Photography is for many a way of personal development. A single and unique path where enjoy with yourself, with no maps or indications on where to go. Just you, your wishes and your instinct.
Widening horizons by means of photography.
Getting inspiration in your journey.... Photography is a personal way of many for inside development. Turning photography into art by means of personal interpretation.
Passing by not just looking but seeing. Taking the time to go deeper into the essence and nature , and trying to convey a message to the viewer by means of an image.
Traveling and enjoying fantastic landscape places around the world. Keeping them inside you and sharing an artistic vision of them through photography. However soon you discover that very close to you there are also beautiful places. You might only need to discover it.
Landscape photography is just a fantastic way to share with others the beauty and the essence of our planet, legacy we should preserve.
Fascinated by people, by the human being, by their inside and by their interaction with the environment. Photography often drives you to fantastic places and incredible human beings. Making photos of them, and try to capture in images their inside is an amazing and rewarding experience.
Always to be friendly and respectful with people. It might take a while, but it is always worth to be patience and try to get those magic moments or expressions that make a picture unique.
I try to highlight and emphasize the qualities and beauty of a person, coming from the inside. An emphatic approach to the human.